Friday, September 27, 2013


It was a quick 2 weeks and jammed with so many activities. Now that I am writing this, I had forgotten all that we managed to squeeze in there. HMM...I wanted to share some highlights of the remaining days.

One evening we went to the Sister's convent (presently a rental home until the real convent is built) and had a fun evening of dancing, laughing and eating. Marty commented that we should have been eating with the sisters all along because they "knew how to cook"! I have to admit...they prepared a FEAST!

Meeting the women I spent most of the last year with 

Sister Rose calls Mom her Mom

There is always music and dancing with them 

AND good food! 

A feast in fact! 

Brother Neelham, the sisters' driver

Always smiling 

and dancing 

and more dancing 

Sister Rose is my best friend here

Next we spent the day passing out the Prayer Quilts Mom brought from Mike Leahy's organization called Children of Light. The squares were sewn at St Rita's (my home parish) located in Solon, Ohio. I was lucky to meet with Mike before I left and his work with children around the world is inspiring. He was so kind as to have the kids make quilts for both the Bethlehem Home and the Good Shepherd Home. Mom presented one to Brother Gabriel and then we travelled to Good Shepherd to present one to Brother Julius.

Mom explaining the prayer quilt to bro Julius 

Ivan wanted his snap with my family
(Ivan was once a resident of Good Shepherd)

Mom presenting the prayer quilt to the girls of
Good Shepherd

and they sang 3 songs for us! 

My family also had the opportunity to meet Michael's family. Michael was my dear friend and driver when I first arrived here at MOP. He was tragically murdered early Feb of this year and I have missed him ever since. Mom's friends, Margie and Dave Deliz from St Rita's parish, have kept Michael's family in mind for these many months. They asked Mom to gift his family on behalf of her own. I only wish they could see the tears and the gratefulness on the faces of the whole family when Mom presented this gift to them. It meant the world to a family who is desperately poor.

Despite tragedy, God cares for all of us. The prayers of everyone have made an impact on this family. Alex, Michael's brother is now in school to be a public dental professional. Godfrey, who lost his new baby, has now set up his own stand in the market and is starting to sell the produce from his farm. Michaels Mother, a widow herself, is now engaged to a man who is taking good care of her. Peace, Michael's wife, who was pregnant at the time of Michael's death, has now given birth to a beautiful baby girl who they named "Carol". How blessed am I?

Preparing snacks and tea for Michael's family

Rosette (Michael's Mom), Godfrey (Michael's youngest brother) Aiden (Michael's oldest son)
Me, Alex (Michel's brother next in line) Mom and Peace (Michael's wife)

Mom and Alex 

Rosette and I with Carol, my namesake
(Michaels' daughter) 

Then it was a ROLEX. One cannot leave Kampala without eating a rolex! It is a wonderful greasy and artery clogging comfort food that has become my favorite. I always go to ivan's stand at the corner near Busega. he makes the best one's as far as I am concerned. Marty got to meet Ivan one day but Sabrina and Mom wanted to check out the stand as well the next day...they did walk to the corner when one of the sudden Ugandan downpours occurred.

Realizing they left without any raincoat or umbrella, I made my way down the now river that once was a street carrying everything I had to dry them off. The boda guys at the corner shouted at me laughing as I tried to keep my pncho from flying away. I then escorted them but Mom by hand down the slippery muddy road back to Busega to dry off and eat their stash. I think they was well worth it!

Marty at Ivan's Rolex stand

Enjoying Uganda's double cheeseburger...the ROLEX

Next was the boda ride. I was bound and determined to take Marty and Sabrina downtown...the REAL downtown via boda to get a real feel for the city. Mom was not left out. She got to ride the boda home but we opted not to torture her with the crowds and traffic...was a good can easily get claustrophobia there and the sights and sounds can be overwhelming. I feel good that Marty and Sabrina really got to see the craziness of this city.

Sabrina was the first one to ride. Sabrina here with Venance

Marty and one of the guys from the corner

Mom with Sister Hilda encouraging her

We then spent one last night at the Ndere Cultural Center. Another MUST DO when in Kampala. WOW...I had no idea how wonderful this would be! We had soo much fun! Alex joined us as well as Douglass. TEH MC was soo crazy funny and the dancing was AMAZING...the food was local and fantastic and the company priceless.

My family having fun with MY FAMILY on their last night here! 

Unbelievable dancing! 

Then it was time to say goodbye....there were many many hugs and begging to stay...begging to come back soon. The brothers are still asking about my family. They made such an impression on them all. I know I will be back...I have a feeling that pieces of my family's heart will remain here. I know most of mine will too.

Medson the driver

Julius to the L and Medson to the R
Both of them are our fab drivers! 

Nicholas the gate guard

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