Sunday, September 15, 2013


Brian turns 16 on Sept 17th but we decided to celebrate his birthday Sunday the 15th as we were leaving for Safari on his actual birthday. Can you for a moment imagine being 16 and never...never ever having anyone celebrate your birthday???

Marty Douglass and the "Birthday Boy"

Brian, Mom, Robine, Alex
with Sabrina and I in the back

We wanted to make this special for him so took him to his (and my) favorite fish place at Gaba Beach. My family, Robine, Douglass and Alex (my friend and driver) were all there to enjoy and indulge!

Sabrina and I with the LARGE fish! 

I dare you to eat the eyeball! 

Douglass inspecting to make sure it is really gone!

It was a PERFECT day! Brian received his first set of new clothing from Grandma, and all his aunts and uncles. He was in heaven! He also received a computer from his mother. There was a purpose to this as I promised Brian we would stay in touch via Skype on a weekly basis. Douglass will help Brian care for the computer and learn to use it. He even downloaded all the latest video games for him (for some reason, these need no training in use at all).

First new clothes on his first ever
Birthday celebration

Thanks Uncle Quinn for picking out a cool belt! 

The celebration continued with Robine and Douglass receiving their first new clothing as well. This was a THANK YOU for all the work they had done to help me out. It was funny to see the guys wrap the pants around their neck. I knew what they were doing but it baffled my family.

Not even most adults in Uganda have a computer
(Now there are no excuses for not keeping in touch
with his Mother!)

Robine checking out if the waist will fit
(Marty commented that this method would never work in the

They are in Kampala less than 24 hours and they run into someone
they know at the restaurant! 

In Uganda, they measure their waist as 2 x the circumference of their neck. THis is because most clothes are purchased on the street and there is no way to try them on. Marty made a joke that this method would NOT work in the USA!

Brian with Aunt Sabrina
First ever birthday cake! 

complete with fireworks! 


The celebration was ended with a huge cake complete with the traditional fireworks....candles seem just too simple now. Brian then shared all the extra with the kids at the tables around us. It was a VERY GOOD DAY! It was also good to see such smiles from Brian who was finally starting to believe he had a "FAMILY" he belonged to.

Later on that evening, there was a community supper to celebrate Brother Oratious leaving for the Kenya mission. He had been with Uganda 6 years serving as the in charge brother at Good Shepherd Home for the girls. It was sad to see him go and all the brothers will miss him. They also surprised Mom with a dual celebration for her birthday. She even got up and danced with them! I think she had a lot of fun. I know I did!

Saying goodbye to Brother Oratious

and Happy Birthday to Mom! 

Dancing with the brothers! 

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