Saturday, September 14, 2013


My family could not take my word for it and wanted to see for themselves what was soo compelling about being here in Uganda but most of all they wanted to experience the great love and joy I have had working with the Missionaries of the Poor and being with the children.

hoping to get a quick glance

Their arrival was much anticipated by all including Brian who I and the brothers overheard telling his friends, "My grandmother is coming to visit me!".  We were all (Douglass, Brian and Robine) anxiously waiting along with Brother Joselito.


Still waiting....their plane was about 5 hours late

My mother of 72 (she turned 72 the day she arrived) had never been outside of the US other than Canada. This would be a trip of a lifetime for her. I was worried that the trip would be stressful and hard on her. I was relieved to see her and my brother Marty and sister in law Sabrina bounce out of the airport as if they had just flown to Oregon to see me.

Finally meeting Grandma!

Looks as if they just came across the US

My family finally got to meet the most important people in my last year here...but this was only the beginning. Despite being jet lagged and not sleeping for 2 days, the Williard crew enjoyed the crazy driving and night sounds and sights that Kampala has to offer in the dark.

Together at last!!!

The night was wrapped up with a birthday celebration for Mom with the BEST EVER chocolate cake I have found yet! Off to bed as the next 2 weeks would be a crazy whirlwind!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

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