Wednesday, July 10, 2013


OK...It has been 2 months and I have yet to highlight one of our volunteers, Julieth, from Columbia. She has just finished her undergrad in international studies and came to the MOP to volunteer for 2 months before moving to Italy to be with her boyfriend and his family.

Julieth taking snaps with the sisters

I could not have done everything without her help. She has been the main Physical Therapist for the boys while I have been running around town getting the clinic ready. She LOVES the kids and they love her! She picked up on all the exercises quickly and was able to take several of the boys farther into their therapy progressions!

The kids all LOVED her!

Martin has started to say words like Hello, and Goodbye and even sing "Baby Jesus" with Julieth's faithful one on one work with him.

She "made me" take a break and go out on weekends

Julieth and Shaffique ended up sharing a bond over this time as well. Julieth's family in Columbia also fell in love with Shaffique and have started the process of adoption with the blessing of Shaffique's mother. One of the biggest achievement's is Shaffique's improvement in his mobility to the point he is able to go to school. I had checked on him a month ago and he was able to run up the ramps and walk up and down steps without any assistance. His balance is not perfect but was rapidly improving.

Shaffique's first day of school! 

Julieth made it her mission to get him enrolled in some school. The school for disablities felt he was not yet ready until next year but the local school accepted him. Julieth bought Shaffique a school outfit, books, a bag, shoes and all the needed items. They came to the clinic for his "First Day of School" picture! Shaffique was beaming and so very proud! Julieth was a happy proud mother and was able to walk Shaffique to his first day of school.

Showing off the new shoes and the backpack

This was a day of sweet sadness as it was also Julieth's last day with us. She had to say goodbye to her "boy" and shed many tears...both of gladness and sadness.

Julieth and her "son" 

THANK YOU JULIETH for caring soo much for one of Busega's shining stars! You have given him a future!

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