Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It was Friday June 28th and I planned to stay home the WHOLE day and try and catch up on the mounds of paperwork that hid my desk for months. I was soo tired and was looking forward to actually spending time hanging out with Julieth our volunteer that night. I had just finished making piles of papers across the 10 foot conference room table and was settling in with my last instant Starbucks (I knew I would need it) when I got a call from Fr Raymond....

Julieth (our 2 month volunteer from Columbia)
standing under Father's sign

He asked..."Can you come up with something fun like races or contests for the disabled kids?" Now, Father is one to always be coming up with reasons to throw a party for the boys, which is GREAT....the ONLY problem is that it is usually last minute. This request was no different. "Sure," I told him....."what is it for?" He replied, "It is for National Disability Day which is Sunday".  I would have said "NO"...but the words never made it out of my mouth...some other person named Carol weakly replied..."OK" I wanted to shoot that Carol. I picked up my piles, put them away and went to work on "games" instead.

Alfred moving the mirror to the truck 

Sowedy carrying part of the parallel bars
which later I find has miss-drilled holes

Father asked if the room was done as he was planning a therapy room blessing as well. UGH! The room was clean but empty. I called to Katalemwa right away and found out they actually had finished most of the large equipment so I booked the truck from MOP to pick it up Saturday morning so that we would have something to bless.

Brian and Sowedy my "Hired Help"
(paid in Rolexes...the eating kind) 

The equipment waiting to be loaded in the truck 

Saturday June 29th was a start to a busy weekend. I "hired" Brian and Sowedy to help me. Alfred was my muscle man and Julius drove us. Everything seemed to be going very well but it is always best to expect problems as this is the norm. Most everything was built save for the crutches (awaiting the plastic cuffs which had not yet been shipped in for the last 6 months). Next came the frustration which nearly put me over the top....the 2 ladies found an error in my bill totally 350,000 shillings (150 USD) to my detriment. It was NOT what I was expecting nor had budgeted for and I was NOT happy.

Alfred and Julius praying that I don't take anyone's
head off during the "discussion" of the miscalculated bill

The "all clear sign" lets MOVE'M OUT! 

I was highly upset, especially given the 6 month wait for my order. I managed to get a free pair of crutches out of the deal...it was the principle of the matter. UNfortunately, they made the mats the wrong color, and the parallel bar holes did not match up to allow me to adjust the height AND they used a different model of bars than the ones I ordered. I knew this was yet another test of patience.
It was still really nice to see the equipment "home" where it was supposed to be....the room is finally starting to look like a rehab department.

The boys awaiting their payment before we head out

standing at the Rolex stand going over the bill
one more time
Some of the equipment

NOW it was time to organize for the party. I was too tired to spend the hours needed to come up with structured games...I felt like I was holding on by a thread. Douglass came to the rescue and helped plan many of the events and even listed all the disabled kids so that all could participate. I managed to come up with some other ideas and thankfully, Father had appointed 2 brothers to help us out.

The ribbon cutting 

Father Blessing the therapy room 

Everyone getting a tour

Father had done a nice job. He had a HUGE banner hanging in the dining area and had changed the sign to read National Physiotherapy Day. Father held Mass and then asked Douglass, Julieth and I to sit up in front and hear all the beautiful things the children had to say about the new clinic and the 3 of us. Do you want to talk about being "paid in full?" This was it. Then there was a procession up to the Therapy room, a cutting of the ribbon and a beautiful blessing by Father Raymond. I know there will be miracles forthcoming in this room!

Rogers, Henry and Phillip start us off with
their music!

The cheering section

The kids enjoying the party 

Following Mass, there was a DJ, FUN, FOOD and lots of happiness! The 2 brothers were unable to help which left Douglass and I alone to manage all the games in the midst of the chaos. We did have a DJ and a microphone which helped but the able bodied children kept grabbing all the game toys as they were not used to having to sit on the sidelines and cheer. Neither Douglass or I have a commanding voice, so it wasn't until Westby came in to the rescue that there was some semblance of order to the games.

Douglass MC'ing the dance contest

The able bodied children voted 

The disabled kids thoroughly enjoyed the following:

* A DANCE contest (this was a HUGE hit)

* A bean bag toss

* A "throw a beach ball at a brother and win a point" game (the able bodied kids all got into the act)

Fred excited about "getting" the Brother 

Nice follow through!

* A scooting race (the able bodied children all cheered the contestants on!)

* A game of bowling (again, a HUGE hit)

Second try at hitting the "pins"
(6 two liter bottles of water)

Fun was had by ALL

FUN FOOD! (Goat, which the boys won in a
soccer match the previous week)

The winners of the bean bag contest

EVERYONE got candy and EVERYONE was a winner!! Father was watching and smiling from the sidelines. He commented afterwards how fun it was to see the disabled children enjoy themselves as much as they did. He planned to make sure there was more of these fun activities for them. He is a GOOD man and continues to teach me about what it means to "give". We ended the day with movies and popcorn in our "theater". The kids LOVE movie nights...I LOVE being able to give even a small treat to these forgotten lambs. Douglass. Juliette and I left late with complete exhaustion but also with completely full hearts....filled to overflowing.

Finally getting a chance to sit

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