Friday, July 26, 2013


The night was not quite as quiet given the near constant thunderstorms that raged outside. Despite this, I was warm and dry and quite cozy. I woke to rain which did not turn into drizzle until mid day. Robine and I and his brother spent some time chatting in the hut until the rain subsided. I found out Benard is a wiz at setting up anything electrical. He somehow managed to hook up a solar panel to a car battery (enough to run a tiny stereo with a remote control) Can you say Gadget Geek? Pretty smart guy if you ask me! Ingenious!

Benard posing by the only power source in the compound
(the solar powered stereo) 
Finally, the rain slowed enough to allow us to walk out the 4 KM to the road (to wet and soupy to use a boda) Robine's Mother walked with us as the church was on the way. Since the Catholic church had to roof (yet...they are waiting for donations), all the locals know to wait until the rain stops before going.

Saying goodbye

My parting gift...Lira the rooster! 

I am going to miss the family 

It was time for sad to be leaving such a beautiful place and such kind and beautiful people. I had never felt so welcomed in a far away town before. I was even presented with a parting gift (a live rooster). I named him Lira to remind me of my time. He managed the ride home quite well despite being upside down for much of it.

Not one spot of mud on her 

Me on the otherhand....

The walk out was a mess (for me only mind you) I was told " Carol, you do not know how to walk in mud" I argued...."It just shows up on me more!" I know it was an excuse as Robine's Mother had absolutely no mud on her feet or nice dress while I was somehow covered in it!

Robine and I stopped off to greet one of his uncles and 11 kids. We had to stay and chat for some time so Robine's Mother continued on to church. It was fun passing out sweets to the children. Again, what a lovely family!

Passing out goodies

Robine's Aunt, sister in law, nephew and uncle

and their kids! 
 We finally made it to the Catholic church sans roof. Following services, we "had" to say hello to the congregation. I am not fond of standing out in a crowd but I certainly did...muddy feet and all. The women would look at me, tsk and shake their heads looking at my feet and legs...then reprimand Robine for not taking me by boda.

The Catholic Church

The congregation saying services outside 

Then it was off on the remaining 1.5 KM to the road. We passed another Uncle on our way out. The child caught our eye. One toddler had fallen into the cooking coals sustaining a pretty severe burn. The burn was a few days old by that time. They had no access to medication or bandages so held the little girl all day long consoling her when her pain became severe.

Robine's heart as well as mine were breaking. Between the 2 of us, we were able to give them money for transport to the hospital and treatment. I pray she is doing better and in less pain now.

Robine's cousin, uncle, friend (Nelson) and brother (Moses) 


More family (I told you his family was HUGE!) 

I swear they were giggling a second before when looking
at their snaps! 

Such trusting eyes 

The toddler with the burns whom we sent to the hospital 
We left so late that we missed our bus back home. Instead, we caught a boda ride 10 min away to the main road. From there, we hoped to catch a bus back to Kampala. Our luck was with us as a passing UN vehicle picked us up and carried us back! What amazing luck! Otherwise it would have been near midnight before our return. 

We arrived home safe and sound and in traffic, dust, noise and loud music...ahhh the sounds of Kampala....did not miss them a bit! Just so you know, Lira the rooster is happily chasing hens at the monastery....unfortunately he is also beating up on the "city rooster" and winning...if he is not careful, he will end up on the dinner plate...the brothers find it odd that I have named him....I hope he remains with us for some time. He is a nice reminder of an absolutely AMAZING trip! 

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