Thursday, June 27, 2013


We have all heard the term "Pay it forward". This usually means when someone does something to help you out, you pass that along to 2 other people who pass it along to 2 others and so on and so forth. I have been working with a man who is "paying it forward" before he gets a break, or help, or a jackpot or anything. Godfrey is a quiet hard working and creative welder who has been helping me out periodically throughout the last 8 months on my projects.

Godfrey the welder

He recently approached me for a favor. "Favors" here usually consist of asking for money so I was braced for BAD was I to judge. This kind hearted man shared with me that he has taken a group of teenagers off the street by trying to train them in the craft of welding so that they would have a skill. Most of these kids have no money for school fees or dropped out all together for one reason or another. Godfrey realized how dangerous idle time for young men can be and wanted to do something about it.

Godfrey's shop

Where me makes all his beautiful things

Standing on the street next to his shop

He shared with me that his "shop" needs to be moved as his landlord wants to build. He is hoping to get a bigger shop so he can better train the young men that he is helping. This is a man giving from NOTHING like the story about the poor widow in the Bible. He quietly asked if I know anyone who would do a loan for him to get a bigger property and shop. I told him that I presently know of no one but will ask around.

Some of the young men he is helping

They are such a nice group of young men!

He invited me to see his shop so I took him up on the offer. From the beautiful work he's done, I expected a rather nice shop....I was a bit surprised to see just how small of a space this man creates his beautiful things. He introduced me to his landlord as well as the nice group of young men he is helping. They were all polite and gracious and seemed sincerely appreciative of Godfrey's help.

The landlord talking with one of Godfrey's boys

This is a more typical scene throughout all of Busega and much of Kampala. It is amazing how much people here endure...imagine for a moment, this is your place of work...Godfrey is truly a man PAYING IT FORWARD. I learned a great lesson in humility and respect this day.

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