Monday, June 24, 2013

JUST STUFF (Thank you lunch and English class)

The last 2 weeks have been primarily working on the gym, working with the contractors and having equipment checked or built. There has been some FUN stuff to keep things light and enjoyable...the "STUFF" that makes the world go 'round.

Dennis (L) and Dr Masaimale (R)

Christine and I 

I took last Wednesday off to take Doctor and Nurse Christine out to lunch along with their eldest son, Dennis as a "thank you" for running to the ER with me, making sure I had meds and my favorite foods while I was ill. This worked out wonderful as Dennis is involved in TV and media. He was able to arrange for his friends who do video work to consider doing the music video for the boys at Busega. I had been promising them I'd produce it for them, but the reality is I just have no time...they plan to come to write up a contract next week! The boys will be ecstatic!

Just outside the MOP gate

We had an enjoyable lunch at my favorite FISH place on the shores of Lake Victoria (Gaba Hotel)

We are coming up on midterm in English class. This term, we have been focusing on public speaking, writing and presentations. They have been doing very well. I am bound and determined to teach them all to speak up so that in the AM I can hear them say the page numbers....UGH...The Ugandans all whisper....can barely hear them....of course they all think I am a "loud mouth" which is quite funny! I will make the Muzungu before they know it.

My FUN English class
 (I made them write poetry this week)

These guys are always happy and goofy!

The Brothers are always asking me for their "snaps"....we decided to take a class picture to be sure everyone was in it. These Brothers are going home in 2 days for a home visit and wanted to picture with the Muzungu to show their families. I had to be sure they kept things down a bit as picture taking became rather wild and crazy BUT we had a lot of fun.

They also work this way...definitely JOYFUL service to Christ on the cross

I will miss them dearly...please pray for them as this is a difficult life choice for these young men in their early 20's. They will be back in a few weeks though and I am sure still asking for cookies and sweets (I baked them cookies as a goodbye)

The nicest group of young men you will ever meet 

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