Monday, September 24, 2012


Our Lady at the entrance of the Chapel
One of the most amazing things I was able to visit was the National Shrine in Washington, DC. This Cathedral has so many chapels, stained glass, artwork and shrines that one could spend an entire day there and never see all of it.

Sharon and I were lucky to have our own tour guide (my cousin Mary Lynn) who guided us through what seemed like secret passages that wound around and through the building leading to more more amazing artwork.

Main Chapel
There is an air of both serenity and yet Majesty about the place. We arrived in the main chapel to a dead silence followed by the ringing of the bell choir with soft a capella chant singing. It raised the hair on all of our arms as the sounds echoed throughout the place. We just stood there as if we had walked into the scene of a movie waiting for the great ceiling to open and rays of light pour down along with angels.

On the ceiling of the main Chapel 
St Vincent De Paul
I highly recommend spending a good deal of time here. It is truly a place of quite repose and communion with God. A good starting point for my journey!

I took a picture of the St Vincent De Paul shrine for the St Rita branch of the St Vincent De Paul society. I am still so thankful for your generous donation!

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