Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I couldn't help myself...I had been seeing this all over town since my arrival...I have been constantly thinking that once day I need to get a picture of this unique form of containment. I just find it rather interesting that Ugandan men are treated in such a fashion!!!
Not an uncommon scene!

I finally took the opportunity this week when doing errands with Robin. Robin is now dubbing himself as my "personal assistant" given the fact I need his help on almost everything from transport, IT support, directions, interpretation (he speaks fluent English, Swahili and Luganda) and item location.

We had to do many takes as Robin was laughing so hard he
couldn't hold the camera straight! 

I know I must have embarrassed him to no end but could not help myself as I needed to share this all of you. I managed to get a snap of this not so rare scene for your viewing pleasure!
I know I got a lot of looks for this...not to mention murmurs of
"crazy muzungu!"

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