Friday, April 12, 2013



I have introduced you to the some of the people, the kids and the adventures, BUT the Brothers here are a tight family that make the MOP world go ‘round.

Lots of HUMOR

It is hard to put into words the quality of human being make up the life of a Brother. I feel blessed to be around these special people. I have learned a lot about truly joyful service. There is NEVER a bad day…no one comes to the table with frowns or a grumpy attitude…there is always joy in their morning greeting…always smiling. I never hear them crab, argue or complain.

The residents LOVE the Brothers!

It doesn’t matter how many times the trucks break down, or that there is no money in the coiffeur…it doesn’t matter if the power goes off or the power surge fries the computer and printer cords (for the 2cnd time)….doesn’t matter if all there is to eat is a cup of tea and a piece of dry bread in the AM…doesn’t matter if the truck doesn’t come until 7:40 PM to pick them up instead of 6 PM….doesn’t matter if they get assigned a second, third or fourth duty because a fellow Brother is sick…doesn’t matter if they are up all night doing paperwork…the door remains open and a smile ever on their face.

Ready to greet the boys with a smile despite working hard

Serving the community
I am learning from them the kind of person I want to be. They bring out the best in each other and exemplify what a FAMILY truly is.
These are the words that come to mind…



Always willing to help

Always smiling

Sincere Caring

Laughing, Funny and Joking

Offering to help, Always

Forever Smiling
Joyful service





The Missionaries of the Poor motto is "Joyful service with Christ on the Cross" 
They certainly exemplify this in a most beautiful way! 

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